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Tema del Cuestionario:

Arte y Cultura


Labels English for Greece

Q1. What do you think? Do you think that global warming is happening?
. Extremely sure global warming is not happening
. Very sure global warming is not happening
. Somewhat sure global warming is not happening
. Not at all sure global warming is not happening
. Don?t know
. Not at all sure global warming is happening
. Somewhat sure global warming is happening
. Very sure global warming is happening
. Extremely sure global warming is happening
. No sabe / No contesta
Q2. Assuming global warming is happening, do you think it is?
. Caused mostly by human activities
. Caused mostly by natural changes in the environment
. Other (Please specify __________________________________________________________________________________________________________)
. None of the above because global warming isn?t happening
. No sabe / No contesta
Q3. Which comes closer to your own view?
. Most scientists think global warming is happening
. Most scientists think global warming is not happening.
. There is a lot of disagreement among scientists about whether or not global warming is happening
. Don't know enough to say
. No sabe / No contesta
Q4. How much do you think global warming will harm: you personally?
. Don?t know
. Not at all
. Only a little
. A moderate amount
. A great deal
. No sabe / No contesta
Q5. How much do you think global warming will harm: future generations?
. Don?t know
. Not at all
. Only a little
. A moderate amount
. A great deal
. No sabe / No contesta
Q7. When do you think global warming will start to harm people in Greece?
. Never
. In 100 years
. In 50 years
. In 25 years
. In 10 years
. They are being harmed now
. No sabe / No contesta
Q8. Which of the following statements comes closest to your view?
. Global warming isn?t happening
. Humans can?t reduce global warming, even if it is happening
. Humans could reduce global warming, but people aren?t willing to change their behavior, so we?re not going to
. Humans could reduce global warming, but it?s unclear at this point whether we will do what?s needed
. Humans can reduce global warming, and we are going to do so successfully
. No sabe / No contesta
Q9. The actions of a single individual won?t make any difference in global warming...
. Strongly disagree
. Somewhat disagree
. Somewhat agree
. Strongly agree
. No sabe / No contesta
Q15. How worried are you about global warming?
. Not at all worried
. Not very worried
. Somewhat worried
. Very worried
. No sabe / No contesta
Q16. How much had you thought about global warming before today?
. Not at all
. A little
. Some
. A lot
. A lot
. No sabe / No contesta
Q17. On some issues people feel that they have all the information they need in order to form a firm opinion, while on other issues they would like more information before making up their mind. For global warming, where would you place yourself?
. I need a lot more information
. I need some more information
. I need a little more information
. I do not need any more information
. No sabe / No contesta
Q18. How important is the issue of global warming to you personally?
. Not at all important
. Not too important
. Somewhat important
. Very important
. Extremely important
. No sabe / No contesta
Q19. I could easily change my mind about global warming.
. Strongly agree
. Somewhat agree
. Somewhat disagree
. Strongly disagree
. No sabe / No contesta
Q22. How many of your friends share your views on global warming?
. None
. A few
. Some
. Most
. All
. No sabe / No contesta
Q25. Over the past 12 months, how often have you punished companies that are opposing steps to reduce global warming by NOT buying their products?
. Don?t know
. Never
. Once
. A few times (2-3)
. Several times (4-5)
. Many times (6+)
. No sabe / No contesta
Q26. Over the next 12 months do you intend to buy the products of companies that are taking steps to reduce global warming?
. Less frequently
. About the same
. More frequently
. No sabe / No contesta
Q27. Over the next 12 months would you like to punish companies that are opposing steps to reduce global warming by NOT buying their products?
. Less frequently
. About the same
. More frequently
. No sabe / No contesta
Q29. How often do you?use public transportation or car pool?
. Never
. Rarely
. Sometimes
. Often
. Always
. Not applicable
. No sabe / No contesta
Q29a. Over the next 12 months, would you like to use public transportation or car pool?
. Less frequently
. About the same
. More frequently
. No sabe / No contesta
Q30. How often do you?walk or bike instead of driving?
. Never
. Rarely
. Sometimes
. Often
. Always
. Not applicable
. No sabe / No contesta
Q30a. Over the next 12 months, would you like to walk or bike instead of driving?
. Less frequently
. About the same
. More frequently
. No sabe / No contesta
Q32. Do you think global warming should be a low, medium, high, or very high priority for the government?
. Low
. Medium
. High
. Very High
. No sabe / No contesta
Q33. Do you think corporations and industry should be doing more or less to address global warming?
. Much less
. Less
. Currently doing the right amount
. More
. Much more
. No sabe / No contesta
Q34. Do you think citizens themselves should be
doing more or less to address global warming?
. Much less
. Less
. Currently doing the right amount
. More
. Much more
. No sabe / No contesta
Q36.The United States should reduce its greenhouse gas emissions?
. Regardless of what other countries do
. Only if other industrialized countries (such as England, Germany and Japan) reduce their emissions
. Only if other industrialized countries and developing countries (such as China, India and Brazil) reduce their emissions
. Greece should not reduce its emissions
. Don?t know
. No sabe / No contesta
. Male
. Female
. No sabe / No contesta
. 18 to 30 years
. 31 to 50 years
. 51 or more
. No sabe / No contesta
Marital Status
. Single
. Married
. Divorced
. Widow
. No sabe / No contesta
Employment situation
. Employed
. Unemployed
. Housework
. Retired
. No sabe / No contesta
Level of studies
. Not applicable
. Basic Education
. Bachelor/Undergraduate
. Postgraduate
. No sabe / No contesta
