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Tema del Cuestionario:

Arte y Cultura

Spanish structure

3ºC/D Group 1. Questionary about Spanish structure.

Who governs a council?
. No sabe / No contesta
. A mayor
. A president
. Chuck Norris
. The pope
What´s the biggest province in Spain?
. No sabe / No contesta
. Jaén
. Vatican City
. Krypton
. Badajoz
Choose the 3 historic comunities:
. No sabe / No contesta
. Galicia, País Vasco and Cataluña
. Andalucía, Sevilla and Valencia
. Mercury, Venus and Mars
. Spain, France and Canada
Where are the two independents cities?
. No sabe / No contesta
. North Africa
. In the moon
. South America
. Norwegian coast
How many Autonomous Communities does Spain have?
. No sabe / No contesta
. 1
. 3
. 17
. 220
