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Tema del Cuestionario:

Arte y Cultura



What can we distinguish in the fief?
. The village where the peasants live
. The castle residence of the Lord
. No sabe / No contesta
Within the clergy we distinguish the secular clergy, the members of the religious orders that lived in community, of the regular clergy, composed of bishops, priests ...
. False
. True
. No sabe / No contesta
How do we call the peasants subject to obligatory work by the Lord and who were not free to leave the fief?
. Servants
. vasallos
. Clergymen
. pilgrims
. No sabe / No contesta
Entendemos por "diezmo" el conjunto de hombres a caballo que podía convocar un señor entre sus vasallos como fuerza militar
. True
. False
. No sabe / No contesta
The Crusades were ...
. Military expeditions summoned by the popes of Rome and carried out by noble Christians to conquer Holy Land (Jerusalem) to the Muslims.
. Quick military incursions on horseback that Muslims performed to capture booty in Christian lands.
. The lands conquered by the Christians to the Muslims at the end of the eleventh century and that constituted small states in the Holy Land.
. No sabe / No contesta
La Plena Edad Media fue una época de retroceso demográfico
. True
. False
. No sabe / No contesta
The consequences of the demographic increase during the Middle Ages are (points out the correct answers):
. Increase in the extension of the agricultural area, that is to say, the clearing (cultivation) of lands that were formerly woods, marshes, pastures ...
. Pilgrimages to holy places like Rome, Jerusalem or Santiago
. No sabe / No contesta
Al estilo artístico más difundido durante la Plena Edad Media lo denominamos románico

. True
. False
. No sabe / No contesta
To refer to the hierarchical and closed character of the groups that made up medieval society we used the concept of ...
. Statutory society
. regular clergy
. Vassalage
. Servitude
. No sabe / No contesta
Servitude is the contract that is established between a man of arms who swears allegiance to a lord in exchange for a benefit or fief.
. True
. False
. No sabe / No contesta
